14 February 2011

Heart day

Happy Valentine's day to all(: Have a great lovey dovey awesome day!
After all, love is in the air(:
I hope;
Broken hearted to be healed,
Braveness to love again, just like you never been hurt!
Happy Valentine's day once again(:

Ps: remember, is not only for couples. Rmb your daddy, mummy, sister, brother, great friend, awesome friends, sweet friend, literally everyone to thank and appreciate for!(:
Bug hug!

yours truly(:

08 February 2011

two zero one one

Havent been blogging since November 2010! wow, guess i've been really busy:/
So yeah, had finished with my first semester and had a good refreshing one month break in december!
Havent been blogging or do my rantings about HIM. Guess i'm pretty much over him(: *jumps of joy and relief*
So, my life without him( since i've always talk about him)
Though this is pretty much related to him,
but i guess after losing him i realized that i'm a pretty insecure low in confidence person. Always thought i was the otherwise.
Still, hurt.
Still, afraid to try to fall in love again.
Still, have the fear of breaking hard.
Still, dontknowwhathappened.
Still, wants an explanation.
Still, carrying the smile as an disguise asset.

I'm still hurt inside with the smile and amount of laughters i carry.
Because when one smile, it doesn't mean you're happy but it can also mean that you wasnt the person you're smiling to, to be happy. And for my case, *smiles* i want everyone to be happy.
Just that i wonder can i make my smile comes along with a truly happy soul.

Figures of life