08 October 2011


So is there a test where it tells you an accurate result if you're in.. love?
Other than the usual skips of heartbeats, and common signs.
Those are only accurate to certain measure, no?
But really, what is love?
How can you fall in love all over again after a painful heartbreak?
How sincere can you get from your first?
How much will you let your heart knowing
there is a tiny bit of possibility call breakup (a feeling that exerts a pain you once been, that heels oh so slowly, oh so painfully that it could only be recovered through an awful amount of time)
that you hope won't happen but there's always a but.
How much can you gamble your heart on someone again?
How really can that love be compared to that first?
Will it be as magical? Could you really let go and fall.. in love, again?