A dream where i tell people what's life all about, in my point of view.
A dream where I can motivate people to see the great things in life.
A dream to tell people that everything is fair because God is a God of justice.
A dream to make people realize that for every strength, there is a weakness.
A dream to make people realize that for every weakness, there is a strength.
A dream to make people realize after the realization of the above two points, there is nothing worth fighting about, no one wins, no one lose. It's all about society's perception.
A dream to know that there will always be a better tomorrow.
A dream to know that you are who you are, no less than the others that you think is perfect, you just need to find the special point in you.
A dream to know that law of attraction works because there is a God above, and when you ask, you shall receive.
A dream to always be happy, to be truly happy.
I have a dream where on day, I'll publish all these and many more in a book,
To share the view of my life.
To share the laughters in my my life.
To share the reason I smile in the midst of difficulties and hardships.
To share the reason I let go.
To share the reason I place those little things in my heart.
To share the reason I still believe in.
To share the reason I hold onto to impossibilities.
To share my dreams.
A dream, to share.